Fabrica - Three Windmills

Μονοπάτι Φάμπρικα Λεωνιδίου - Τρεις Μύλοι
Μονοπάτι Φάμπρικα Λεωνιδίου - Τρεις Μύλοι
Μονοπάτι Φάμπρικα Λεωνιδίου - Τρεις Μύλοι
Μονοπάτι Φάμπρικα Λεωνιδίου - Τρεις Μύλοι
Μονοπάτι Φάμπρικα Λεωνιδίου - Τρεις Μύλοι
Μονοπάτι Φάμπρικα Λεωνιδίου - Τρεις Μύλοι
Μονοπάτι Φάμπρικα Λεωνιδίου - Τρεις Μύλοι
Μονοπάτι Φάμπρικα Λεωνιδίου - Τρεις Μύλοι
Μονοπάτι Φάμπρικα Λεωνιδίου - Τρεις Μύλοι
Μονοπάτι Φάμπρικα Λεωνιδίου - Τρεις Μύλοι
Μονοπάτι Φάμπρικα Λεωνιδίου - Τρεις Μύλοι
Μονοπάτι Φάμπρικα Λεωνιδίου - Τρεις Μύλοι

This route is an easy walk, ideal for families, lasts 30 minutes and the distance is about 2 km from Fabrica to the three mills.


Starting from Fabrica, we go up the small hill towards the main road of Leonidion and turn right. Continue straight on for 1.4km crossing Leonidio. To the right and left we see beautiful mansions with colourful courtyards and fragrant courtyards. Leonidio is known for its unique architecture.



Once we reach the entrance of Leonidi we will see on our left signs for the Agricultural Cooperative of Leonidi and signs for climbing fields and we will continue our way left towards the dirt road. At this point the ascent begins, which has a slight gradient. After 200 metres there is a signpost pointing the path to the right for the three mills. In less than 5 minutes we will reach the three windmills where we will see the magical 270 degree view of the sea, the plain, Dafnon, Leonidio and Kokkinovracho.



θέα προς θάλασσα

Watch the video reel with the magical view from the spot and follow us on instagram for more information.